Space and Lazers, created by Maroderkon, is a thrilling 4-player co-op adventure that takes you to the far reaches of space. Tasked with delivering humanity’s last hope to a distant new home, you and your crew must take command of a massive starship, managing its systems, fending off relentless enemies, and navigating hazardous planets. With every second presenting new challenges, teamwork and quick thinking are crucial for survival.
Space and Lazers offers a dynamic blend of ship management, combat, and emergent chaos:
Play solo or team up with up to 4 players in local co-op, using a mix of controllers and keyboard setups (even two players on a single keyboard). The game supports Parsec for remote play, allowing you to connect with friends wherever they are. Communication and coordination are essential whether you're managing shields or piloting a fighter.
Every run in Space and Lazers is unpredictable. Fires break out unexpectedly, systems get hacked, and enemies like Hunters, Mutants, and Cultists bring unique dangers to your crew. Every session is different due to the blend of emergent storytelling, system-driven chaos, and quick-paced teamwork.
With its chaotic yet deeply rewarding co-op gameplay, Space and Lazers challenges you to work together to ensure humanity’s survival. Take the helm, rally your friends, and embark on a heart-pounding journey through space. Humanity’s future depends on you—are you ready to face the challenge?